dry brushing follow-up

did you happen to see our vid on dry brushing and start trying? are you still brushing away? we'd love to hear from you...

for those of you new to the idea...

dry brushing isn't rocket science, it's exactly how it sounds: brushing your bod while it's dry. we've been DBing for about a year now, and trust us when we say it's worth the extra minsbest done before showering, begin at your ankles using light but firm circular motions *always working your way towards the heart. after legs, brush your stomach, arms, and shoulders. watch Rylie demonstrate how it's done here

benefits include...

lymphatic drainage: this one's a biggie. our health depends on the immune system. dry brushing stimulates lymph flow, flushing out toxins and excess water from the bod. it also decreases bloating and helps improve digestion. *really focus on inner thigh and under the armsexfoliation: best way to naturally exfoliate. sheds dead skin cells and unclogs pores, giving you brighter, smoother skin *don't forget to heavily moisturize after rinsing offcellulite: we aren't going to lie to you and pretend this is going to banish those unsightly little dimples, but much like a deep tissue massage, it helps reduce the appearance by increasing circulation, which is good enough reason for uscirculation: increases blood flow, which promotes oxygen-rich blood, cell growth, and organ function

what to keep in mind...

don't be heavy-handed. if your skin is red afterwards, lay off. you want it to be slightly pink. remember, medium not medium raredo not use this brush on your face as it's way too harsh. there's a special brush for the face that we use here[show_shopthepost_widget id="2503092"]we use this one ^


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