the key to youth = collagen

if you're over 25 and haven't started implementing collagen into your regimen, we hope you're reading... as you age, your collagen production slows down (stopping altogether in our 40's) leading to wrinkles, sagging skin, bone loss, etc. basically it’s the glue that holds your body together and the key to maintaining youthful skin. if you aren't incorporating collagen into your diet, you're fighting an uphill battle...

why collagen supplements are the fountain of youth...

the obvious: they slow down the clock and are shown to reverse some signs of agingreduce cellulite: cellulite is typically due to the loss of collagen in the dermal layer, which is what holds the fat in place. without it, you're looking at a cellulite breeding groundmoisturize the skin: they contain essential amino acids your skin requires for optimal hydrationfirm and tone: they stimulate collagen levels in the dermis, the layer responsible for preserving your skin's elasticity and tightnessmaintain even skin tone: the amino acids found in collagen supplements help the skin naturally repair itself, keeping it smooth and healthy[show_shopthepost_widget id="2341244"]


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