knowing your bod's pH

maintaining an alkaline diet is not a new concept. from gweneth to VB, nutrition-minded celebs can't stop talking about the benefits of being pH-conscious.

it's no secret that an acidic diet can wreck havoc on your health. consuming soft drinks, alcohol, processed foods, refined sugars and red meat are some of the leading contributors to becoming unbalanced. when your bod is too acidic, it isn't able to repair or detoxify itself, causing you to be more prone to illness and disease, premature aging, weight gain, and acne to name a few.

on the flip side, alkaline-rich foods are full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals to help ward off illness, acne, wrinkles, etc. making sure you keep your pH balanced by incorporating alkaline foods into your diet is key.

top alkaline foods

lemons- squeeze into your water or salad to keep incorporated on a daily basis avocados- no brainer bananas dates garlic carrots


cold-pressed vs. centrifugal


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