life update

i had an epiphany while in pigeon pose, that it's time to share our life BTS with those of you reading...i'm currently writing this post from my treatment room at school where I spend 12 hours a day, 3 days a week (except for when i travel or have a "migraine"). Rylie and I have spent the past 5 months studying all things skin related and graduation is quickly approaching, making us licensed estheticians (yay!)...once we have our license, it’s off to the laser institute where we'll become certified and educated on every laser out there. we can't express how excited we are to share all of the knowledge we gain with you. to say we are obsessed, is an understatement.while its been challenging and a complete life change, educating ourselves on the skin and the science behind how it functions has completely changed our outlook. our understanding of product ingredients and the affects they have on the skin makes us cringe looking back on all the home "treatments" we put ourselves through (totally fucked my lipid barrier going into DIY overdrive). more harm can be done than good if you aren't informed.while this hasn't been a quick journey, its been our goal to educate ourselves if we're going to have a platform to influence others. starting HOP wasn't just out of passion, but rather a mission to grow our knowledge and share it with you. we want to give you the best advice and keep you in-the-know on all the latest and greatest. we hope you continue to follow us on our journey and promise to only bring you the best.xoxoxox,B & Ry


double cleansing


natural plump lip