skin care routine cheat sheet

the Q: does it really matter what order in which you apply your skincare products?the A: YES. layering incorrectly can prevent products from working properly and render them ineffective. for example, applying a cream before a serum would create a barrier, not allowing the serum to penetrate into the skinthe rule of thumb is to always apply thinnest to thickest. it’s also important to consider the time it takes for your skin to absorb each product, giving them a chance to absorb before moving on (30 sec to 1 min). if you reach for your phone (guilty) during this process, make sure to wash your hands before continuing, and always press & pat each product gently into the skin rather than rubbing & pulling

let's take it from morning to night to show you what goes on top of what...


  • cleanse
  • tone
  • serums (an antioxidant is a must)
  • eye cream
  • moisturize
  • SPF (we love a tinted for a little coverage)



  • oil cleanse (to remove makeup)
  • cleanse
  • tone
  • exfoliate *2-3x/wk*
  • serums (always top of with a hyaluronic acid for hydration)
  • eye cream
  • retinol *2-3x/wk* (learn more on how to use retinol here)
  • moisturize
  • *optional* face oil (if you use an oil, always save it for last as they create a barrier on top of the skin to seal & lock in ingredients)

the best way to add hydration to your skin


the #1 way to effectively remove your makeup