the best active skincare ingredients

we're often asked if we use or carry "all natural" products at house of preservation. although we have nothing against au naturale, we're big believers in scientific validation and find that active ingredients are much more effective when it comes to changing your skin. their delivery systems are designed to enter the cell and effect change, which is why we turn to science-based products when it comes to anti-aging, cell-turnover and other skin problems

based on our own research and experience, we've compiled a list of the top active ingredients to improve the skin...

hyaluronic acid

when it comes to hydration, hyaluronic acid is in a league of its own. it's a powerful moisture-binding acid that can hold 1,000x its weight in water to restore and replenish the skin. it's naturally found in the human body, but dramatically depletes with age, causing your skin to look crepey and dullhow to use: apply under your vitamin c serum in the morning and layer under your moisturizer at night[show_shopthepost_widget id="3640940"] 

AHA's (alpha hydroxy acids)

if you aren’t exfoliating, dead skin cells start to accumulate on the surface, which leads to clogged pores and a dull complexion. rather than using harsh scrubs that can damage the skin and spread bacteria, opt for chemical exfoliants containing AHA's such as glycolic and lactic acid. they gently remove the rough, top layer of dead skin cells by dissolving the bonds that hold them together to reveal healthy, glowing skin beneathhow to use: apply at night, 2-3x/wk post-cleansing *do not use on the same night as retinol*[show_shopthepost_widget id="3640960"] 

BHA (beta hydroxy acid)

refers to salicylic. it's beneficial for those with acneic skin because it's oil-soluble, meaning it's able to penetrate into pores and dislodge buildup. when too much oil is produced in the hair follicle, it leads to an overgrowth of bacteria, which damages the follicle and allows infection to set in causing inflammation to occur AKA breakouts. while salicylic acid also exfoliates dead skin cells like AHA's, it tends to be drying, so avoid overdoing it as it can potentially strip your skin's protective barrier

how to use: we like to use salicylic acid in conjunction with benzoyl peroxide, using a cleanser containing salicylic acid followed by a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment

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L-Ascorbic Acid (AKA vitamin C)

this is the only form of vitamin C you should look for in your skincare products. environmental aggressors such as pollution, smoke, and the sun, increase the number of free radicals in the air, which leads to collagen & elastin breakdown (AKA wrinkles). vitamin C, is the only antioxidant proven to stimulate the synthesis of collagen and your greatest defense weapon when it comes to protecting your skin against free radical damagehow to use: apply vitamin C serum in the morning after toner (while the skin is still damp), giving it 30-60 sec to absorb before moving on*[show_shopthepost_widget id="3640966"] 


are derived from vitamin A and the #1 anti-aging ingredient on the market. they also fight acne, fade hyperpigmentation, and resurface the skin's texture for a smooth, even-toned complexion. they increase cell turnover by stimulating the production of fresh, new skin cells and encourage aging/damaged cells to speed up their renewal process. however, they're not designed for the faint-of-heart, so make sure you're educated on how to use them before jumping the gun. you can watch Rylie demonstrate how to apply herehow to use: only use at night as they make your skin extra sensitive to the sun. we recommend starting out 1-2x a week with a lower concentration to see how your skin reacts. once you’ve built up a tolerance, you can start using more frequently or increase your percentage strength. but remember, the higher the concentration, the more likely you are to experience irritation[show_shopthepost_widget id="3640969"]


5 ingredients that will keep your skin from freaking out


are you over-exfoliating?