the pills i pop daily for health & beauty

chlorella: i'm HOOKED on this stuff. it's one of the most powerful superfoods in existence and contains more nutrients per gram than kale, spinach, and broccoli! the green color comes from the high concentration of chlorophyll, nature's most powerful healer and detoxifier. eat a lot of fish? it detoxifies mercury and heavy metals. fly often? it protects against radiation and removes radioactive particles from the bod. it also contains protein, a slew of vitamins, iron, magnesium, and zinc. in short, there's really not much it can't do...[show_shopthepost_widget id="2789057"]D3: most of us are deficient in vitamin D, especially if you’re a paranoid aging freak and stay out of the sun at all costs. only a small percentage of foods contain it, so it's essential you incorporate this supplement into your diet. it helps support a healthy immune system and regulates hormones, keeping me balanced emotionally (for the most part). it's also beneficial for bones & teeth[show_shopthepost_widget id="2789058"] magnesium: i can’t preach enough about magnesium. since starting this supplement i’ve never looked back and i’ve NEVER missed a single dose. it helps relax your muscles and calm your nerves before bed, but the main reason i can’t live without... it keeps your digestive system in serious check. trust me, it will get things moving smoothly by morning [show_shopthepost_widget id="2789059"] OUAI dry hair: although i’ve tossed my blowdryer out the window and lather moroccan oil like its my job, my hair and scalp are always dry. these supplements are packed with hydrating nutrients: omega 3 fatty acids, silica, vitamin E, and iron. they also help with growth and breakage and have made a huge improvement with my hair[show_shopthepost_widget id="2789060"]


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