3 things your esthetician thinks you should know

moisturizer alone doesn’t cut it

the purpose of a moisturizer is to retain moisture, not provide it. almost all moisturizers are oil-based, meaning they're not formulated to hydrate the skin, but rather to create a protective coating over the surface to minimize water loss and strengthen your lipid barrier (the outermost part of your skin). because oil and water don't mix, water can't get through a layer of oil, which is why moisturizers/oil-based products should always be layered on top of hydrating/water-based products. hydrating products increase the skin’s water content, making it soft & plump, while moisturizing products seal it in, so you need both to stay balanced *regardless of if you’re dry or oily, all skin types require hydration*

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your skin type

people often misdiagnose their skin type, causing them to use products that won't address their concerns & needs. while seeking an assessment from an esthetician is always a safe way to go, you should be aware of the basics when it comes to differentiating between skin types...

dry skin: lacks oil to help protect, lubricate & nourish the skin. if your sebaceous glands don't produce enough oil/sebum, your lipid barrier (the outermost part of your skin) cannot function properly, allowing water to escape more readily. as a result, your skin can feel rough and tight with flakey patches *not to be confused with dehydrated skin, which is a condition, not a skin type. you can read more on the difference between dry vs. dehydrated skin here*oily skin: is caused by your sebaceous glands producing too much oil. as a result, your skin tends to have a shiny appearance and is prone to breakouts. the good news is, oily skin types often age more slowly because the skin remains lubricated, preventing fine lines and wrinkles *you can read more on how to treat oily skin here*combination skin: is simply having a mix of oily and dry areas on different parts of your face, with the t-zone (forehead, chin and nose) typically being oilier than the cheeks, which tend to be normal to dry. if you have this skin type, always address each concern separately by applying different products to the oily areas than to the dry onesnormal skin: functions properly because it produces the right amount of oil to stay balanced. it’s smooth and soft to the touch, and generally free of blemishes/clogged pores. however, it still requires hydration and protection from outside elements to keep it glowing

chemical > mechanical exfoliation

if you aren't exfoliating, dead skin cells start to accumulate on the surface, resulting in a dull, lifeless complexion. most people are under the impression that scrubbing your face with beads/granules is the way to go, but we believe this method can cause more harm than good. mechanical exfoliation = any abrasive material that physically removes cells from skin (including a clarisonic). they can be very damaging and are a surefire way to spread bacteria. chemical exfoliants, on the other hand, facilitate the removal of dead skin cells by dissolving the bonds that hold them together without running the risk of damaging/tearing your skin. see vid on how to use: here

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