why your skin has lost its glow

it's pretty much our life mission to make our skin glow. there's no better feeling than when your skin's in a good place; clear of breakouts & luminous. sadly, it never seems to last. before you know it, your skin's lost its luster and gone back to being whack

there are a multitude of contributing factors for why this happens, so we're highlighting the main culprits & how to fight back...

environmental aggressors

cause: your skin is constantly under attack by environmental aggressors such as pollution, smoke, and the sun. pollutants deprive your skin cells of oxygen, causing it to look dull and grimy. they also increase the number of free radicals in the air, which leads to collagen & elastin breakdown- AKA accelerated aging


because of how porous our skin is, it's a primary target for absorbing these harmful aggressors. SPF and antioxidants are a power couple when it comes to fighting sun damage. when harmful rays hit your skin, SPF absorbs them while antioxidants neutralize the free radicals created by them before they cause damage *always apply an antioxidant serum underneath your SPF. look for products containing vitamins C & E*[show_shopthepost_widget id="3169656"]


cause: when your hormones change, it can lead to an increase in oil production- the biggest culprit behind acne. certain hormones, particularly testosterone (which increases pre-period), can cause more oil production. oil can also get thicker due to the imbalance of hormones, making it the ideal environment for breakouts


· oil cleansing: hands down one of the best things we've ever done for our skin. don’t let this scare you if you’re oily- it’s even better for your type! oil cleansers are naturally antibacterial and mimic your skin’s sebum. they help keep your pH balance stable and excess oil production at bay. they're the most effective and gentlest way to remove your makeup, prepping your skin for a proper, thorough cleanse using your regular face wash. see vid on how to oil cleanse: here[show_shopthepost_widget id="2894788"] · anti-cyst treatment: this spot treatment is a holy grail product. consider it your new blemish fighting BFF.  i use it for both prevention & treatment *after performing your nighttime routine, take a damp cotton square to wipe the affected area before applying. i use it immediately after spotting a blemish every day until it clears up. i also like to use it on my nose to prevent blackheads and along the chin and jawline 2-3x a week to prevent blemishes*· salicylic acid: a BHA (beta hydroxy acid) derived from willow bark. it's oil-soluble, meaning it's able to penetrate into pores and dislodge buildup, allowing other medications to come in and fight acne-causing bacteria. it also exfoliates the dead skin cells on the surface, preventing future blockages *while it's present in many different products from cleansers to spot treatments, it works best when left on the skin*[show_shopthepost_widget id="3244897"]


cause: as you age, your cell turnover rate slows down. cell turnover is the term used to describe the constant shedding of dead skin cells and subsequent replacement with younger cells. ideally, new skin cells continue to arrive at the surface, pushing the aging/dead cells off from beneath. this is why babies and children have such bright, soft, luminous-looking skin - because their cell turnover rate is twice as fast as adults, meaning they always have new skin cells on the surface


· retinoids (retinol/retin-A): are the #1 anti-aging ingredient on the market. they promote faster cell turnover, stimulating the production of fresh, new skin cells and encouraging aging/damaged cells to speed up their renewal process, which helps fade hyperpigmentation and resurface the skin's texture for a smooth, even-toned complexion. however, they’re not designed for the faint-of-heart, so make sure you’re educated on how to use them before jumping the gun. you can  see a great explanation of what retinol is here as well as a vid on how to apply: here

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· chemical exfoliation: as your cell turnover rate slows down, dead skin cells start to accumulate on the surface, resulting in a dull, lifeless complexion. most people are under the impression that scrubbing your face with beads/granules is the way to go, but we believe this method can cause more harm than good. mechanical exfoliation = any abrasive material that physically removes cells from skin (including a clarisonic). they can be very damaging and are a surefire way to spread bacteria. chemical exfoliants, on the other hand, facilitate the removal of dead skin cells by dissolving the bonds that hold them together without running the risk of damaging/tearing your skin. see vid on how to use: here

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